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Is this a project of (insert name of school/ business/ government/ nonprofit)?
Is this a charity or a registered 501c3?
Are there strings attached?
OK, we’d love to hear what great, change-making stuff you do with the money. Go forth, do good work, and then report back!
What’s the REAL motive, here?

We want to create an awesome place to work, play, and live; we want to help highlight the positive stories happening in our community each month. We’re basically a “giving circle” of folks who come together to give some money and storytelling, for support, on a regular basis. 

It’s really that simple!

What if I want to give a one-time donation?
Go right ahead. Our team will talk about how to best put it to work and will report back to you. Just send us an email.
OK, I want in! How do I help pick funded projects and make a difference?
Cool. We’d love to talk more. Check out the team and what’s involved.
Are you part of a larger network?
We were inspired by the Awesome Foundation and remain in touch with their network.