Awesome Summit recap: winner for December, 2024

Awesome Summit recap: winner for December, 2024

December 2024

Back in October, we hosted the international 2024 Awesome Summit, right here in Westminster, with the help of our trustees, local businesses, and grant recipients.

We had an amazing weekend getting to know, teach, and learn from other AWESOME people around the world. It’s hard to describe just how special our time together was. Leading up to the Summit, Hey Westminster, still a young chapter who had never attended a past Summit, (held in previous larger cities such as, Boston, New York, Ottawa, Sydney, Chicago, DC) had the large task to plan, organize, and execute a full weekend for almost 40 people, traveling thousands of miles from cities around the world. Also coordinating nearly 20 different activities and workshops across three days.

Josh Ambrose said it best in his recent newsletter blurb for the Awesome Foundation, “Our Westminster chapter all agreed afterwards that the greatest joy we had in hosting, was to see our town and our community through the eyes of our guests.”
We hope you enjoy a glimpse into the weekend from the included video, which highlights our tour of downtown main street, meeting at the library makerspace, workshops at McDaniel College, and convening under the stars at a local farm.
We look forward to 2025, continuing highlighting awesome people and ideas in our amazing (and now popular) community!

Huge thanks to Butterworks Bakery USA, Zach’s Sacks,  SoulManSweets, Expanding Boundaries, and more for coming to share treats and speak at our event, as well as Captain Family Farms for hosting us and Your New Parents for playing music.